Robert Half blog

What should new CEOs do first?

Starting as a CEO is a fantastic opportunity and can be challenging and overwhelming at the same time. But the steps they take in the first six to twelve months will play a pivotal role in their journey and the success of their business. Karina Perez Galindo, Managing Director at Robert Half’s executive search practice, shares her advice on what they should focus on.

De invloed van het halo-effect op sollicitatiegesprekken


Het halo-effect houdt in dat je sollicitanten met dezelfde interesses onbewust leuker zal vinden. In recruitment wil je dat voorkomen, om op die manier objectief de beste kandidaat te weerhouden. Wij vertellen je hoe.

How to improve diversity: Look inwards first, build a vision second


Diverse leadership teams can make better decisions and create better businesses. But some are struggling to change. Charlie Grubb, Managing Director at Robert Half’s executive search practice, explores how to tackle one of the most talked-about trends in business today.